Mar 27 , 2023

How to Deal with Window Condensation


Window condensation is the accumulation of moisture on the windows. It's often a result of cold air coming into contact with window surfaces. Although condensation can happen at any time, it is more common during winter. Window condensation can lead to mold growth and eventual damage to your windows. In addition, condensation is a health hazard as it increases humidity levels in your home. When not dealt with in time, condensation can lead to the destruction of your windows.

Why Should You Take Condensation Seriously?

For starters, condensation alters the humidity levels of our homes. High levels of humidity, in turn, increase mold on surfaces. Mold accumulation on your furniture will ruin them. Additionally, a musty smell occupies the house when it becomes too humid. The mold and odor are irritating, and you may also develop an allergic reaction. Eliminating condensation in your home is cost-effective in the long run, as you won't have to replace your furniture and repaint your walls.

How to Prevent Condensation Problems

To deal with condensation in your home, do the following:

● Increase ventilation- increasing ventilation in your house reduces the build-up of moisture. In addition, it allows for air circulation in your home by letting in the fresh air and eliminating any odors. You can improve ventilation by opening windows in every room to let in the fresh air.

● Use a dehumidifier- Dehumidifiers remove moisture from your house, giving it a fresh smell at all times. It's a worthy purchase as it helps prevent condensation throughout the year.

● Use weatherstripping - Weather stripping materials prevent the accumulation of cold air in your home. They also maintain warmth in the house as they seal your windows properly.

● Purchase a window insulation film- Window insulation films ensure that your windows don't lose heat, ultimately preventing condensation.

● Have a Professional install your windows- Professionals will install your windows correctly and no gaps that let in air and advise you on quality windows to prevent condensation. You can also have them install new windows if yours are damaged.

● Optimize your home's temperature and humidity accordingly- Your home's temperature and humidity levels tend to drop and increase with the varying weather conditions. Regulating your thermostat will promote the ideal temperature in your home.

● Open your curtains and blinds - Opening drapes, curtains, and drapes throughout the day promotes fresh air supply in your home and prevents window condensation.

● Use an extractor fan- An extractor fan removes air trapped in the room during cooking and showering, thus preventing condensation.

● Air clothes outdoors- airing clothes out to dry prevents moisture from building up in your house.

● Re-arrange your house plants and furniture- Move house plants away from your windows. Some plants release moisture, thus causing condensation on windows. Similarly, it would help to leave a space between furniture for adequate ventilation.

Will New Windows Solve Your Condensation Problem?

If you have done everything to reduce window condensation and the problem persists, it may indicate that you need new windows. The type of windows in your home may prevent or encourage condensation. With the development in technology, window manufacturers have come up with windows that combat condensation.

Airtight windows with good insulation play a significant role in preventing condensation. They contain the loss of warm air and the entry of cold air through the window seals. Windows with the latest technology, like gas fills and triple glazing, help reduce condensation. Other techniques that help prevent condensation include the following:

● Windows with low e-coatings

● Windows with multiple panes

● Spacers to prevent windows from conducting heat.

Where Does Condensation Happen in the House?

Condensation can happen anywhere in the house but commonly occurs in the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and humidity room. Activities like showering, cooking, and doing laundry lead to the accumulation of moisture in your house. The accumulated water eventually settles on windows and causes condensation.

How to Remove Condensation from Windows

Cleaning the windows is an inexpensive option to remove condensation from windows. Windows with double-glazing may show signs of condensation due to air trapped in between. You can remove the condensation using soapy water and a cloth. Wipe your window clean using a damp cloth. Dry the window with a dry cloth to remove any remaining moisture. It will help leave your window clear of condensation. However, this method is not practical for double-glazed windows.

How to Remove Condensation from Double-glazed Windows

A few ways to remove condensation from double-glazed windows do the following:

● Use a dehumidifier: Place a dehumidifier close to the double-glazed windows. The dehumidifier will absorb the excess moisture, thus removing condensation.

● Use salt- Put a bowl of salt near your window and leave it overnight. Salt is known for its absorbing properties. By morning most of the moisture will be gone.

Why is Condensation Worse in Winter?

Condensation is more evident during winter and at the start of winter. During winter, the walls and windows in our homes get very cold. Concisely, the air inside the house gets cold, thus causing condensation. Additionally, poorly insulated dwellings are more likely to have more condensation than homes with good insulation. Similarly, condensation accumulates more in houses with single-glazed windows than in double-glazed ones.

Other Causes of Condensation in Your Home

Other causes of window condensation in your house include:

● Boiling food and water while cooking

● Steam ironing

● Tumble drying

● Plumbing leaks from appliances like washing machines

The Takeaway

Window condensation is a significant problem in homes, especially during winter. Sometimes it can be managed easily, for instance, through opening windows to allow ventilation. However, getting rid of all the moisture in your house is almost impossible. Activities like cooking, steam ironing, and showering increase condensation that builds up on your window. It would be best to reduce condensation by drying clothes outside and opening windows.

Additionally, tips like regulating your home's temperature and installing new windows are more lasting solutions. Getting new windows installed might be the solution to window condensation in your house. However, have a professional install the windows. Not only do professional contractors know the best windows for your home, but they also install the windows ideally to prevent window condensation.

How to Deal with Window Condensation

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